Research : Overview
CSIR - NCL and its scientists have many collaborative projects with leading academic and scientific institutes and also with individual researchers. Such partnership endorses CSIR - NCL's global leadership in chemical and allied sciences. CSIR - NCL as an institute has entered into Memorandum of Understandings with University of Bradford, Tufts University - USA, National Taiwan University, Lund University - Sweden, IIT – Delhi, Security Printing and Mining Corporation of India - New Delhi, Defense Institute of Advance Technology – Pune, University of Strasbourg under Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR), National University of Singapore , University of Liverpool, University of Toronto , Swedish International Development Agency, ARKEMA FRANCE SA under Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research. Similar MoUs are under discussion with several other national and international academic institutions. CSIR - NCL scientists individually or as a team also have many collaborative programmes with various leading research groups from India and abroad.